2,477 research outputs found

    Outcomes of weight management in obese pet dogs: what can we do better?

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    Obesity is arguably the biggest health and welfare issue affecting pet dogs. Although successful weight loss has health benefits, current strategies are far from ideal. Many obese dogs that start a weight programme fail to lose weight, or subsequently regain the weight they have lost. Given that current weight loss strategies are not perfect, clinicians need to focus carefully on tailoring the programme, perhaps setting a pragmatic target for weight loss, so as to ensure the benefits are maximised. This review will summarise key findings from recent clinical research into pet obesity, and present a framework for improving success, by better tailoring weight management regimens and end points to the individual.</jats:p

    Outcomes of weight management in obese pet dogs: what can we do better?

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    Digestive Diseases in Brachycephalic Dogs.

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    In addition to presenting with respiratory signs, many dogs with brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome show digestive tract signs related to the same conformational abnormalities. A detailed diagnostic investigation is usually required, including clinicopathologic analyses, thoracic radiographs, fluoroscopic studies, abdominal ultrasound examinations and both upper airway and gastrointestinal tract endoscopy. In most cases, medical therapies are successful in managing clinical signs, but surgery can occasionally be required to resolve hiatal hernia or pyloric stenosis. In determining prognosis, the features of each individual case should be considered, with the overall prognosis depending on the severity and extent of all the identified lesions

    Variables associated with owner perceptions of the health of their dog: Further analysis of data from a large international survey.

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    In a recent study (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265662), associations were identified between owner-reported dog health status and diet, whereby those fed a vegan diet were perceived to be healthier. However, the study was limited because it did not consider possible confounding from variables not included in the analysis. The aim of the current study was to extend these earlier findings, using different modelling techniques and including multiple variables, to identify the most important predictors of owner perceptions of dog health. From the original dataset, two binary outcome variables were created: the 'any health problem' distinguished dogs that owners perceived to be healthy ("no") from those perceived to have illness of any severity; the 'significant illness' variable distinguished dogs that owners perceived to be either healthy or having mild illness ("no") from those perceived to have significant or serious illness ("yes"). Associations between these health outcomes and both owner-animal metadata and healthcare variables were assessed using logistic regression and machine learning predictive modelling using XGBoost. For the any health problem outcome, best-fit models for both logistic regression (area under curve [AUC] 0.842) and XGBoost (AUC 0.836) contained the variables dog age, veterinary visits and received medication, whilst owner age and breed size category also featured. For the significant illness outcome, received medication, veterinary visits, dog age and were again the most important predictors for both logistic regression (AUC 0.903) and XGBoost (AUC 0.887), whilst breed size category, education and owner age also featured in the latter. Any contribution from the dog vegan diet variable was negligible. The results of the current study extend the previous research using the same dataset and suggest that diet has limited impact on owner-perceived dog health status; instead, dog age, frequency of veterinary visits and receiving medication are most important

    Reply to the Comment from Watson, KM "Letter to the Editor Re: Kipperman, BS and German, AJ Animals 2018, 8, 143" Animals 2018, 8, 179

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    We appreciate the interest [1] in our opinion paper [2] regarding companion animal obesity and, although there is limited published evidence, agree that some pet owners might respond negatively when this issue is addressed [...

    Success of a weight loss plan for overweight dogs: The results of an international weight loss study

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    Introduction Obesity is a global concern in dogs with an increasing prevalence, and effective weight loss solutions are required that work in different geographical regions. The main objective was to conduct an international, multi-centre, weight loss trial to determine the efficacy of a dietary weight loss intervention in obese pet dogs. Methods A 3-month prospective observational cohort study of weight loss in 926 overweight dogs was conducted at 340 veterinary practices in 27 countries. Commercially available dry or wet weight loss diets were used, with the initial energy allocation being 250–335 kJ/kg target body weight0.75/day (60–80 kcal/kg target body weight0.75/day) depending on sex and neuter status. The primary outcome measure was percentage weight loss; the main secondary outcomes were changes in activity, quality of life, and food-seeking behaviour, which were subjectively determined from owner descriptions. Results At baseline, median (range) age was 74 (12 to 193) months and median body condition score was 8 (range 7–9). 896 of the 926 dogs (97%) lost weight, with mean weight loss being 11.4 ±5.84%. Sexually intact dogs lost more weight than neutered dogs (P = 0.001), whilst female dogs lost more weight than male dogs (P = 0.007), with the difference being more pronounced in North and South American dogs (median [Q1, Q3]: female: 11.5% [8.5%, 14.5%]; male: 9.1% [6.3%, 12.1%], P = 0.053) compared with those from Europe (female: 12.3% [8.9%, 14.9%]; male: 10.9% [8.6%, 15.4%]). Finally, subjective scores for activity (P<0.001) and quality of life (P<0.001) increased sequentially, whilst scores for food-seeking behaviour decreased sequentially (P<0.001) during the study. Conclusion This is the largest international multi-centre weight loss study conducted to date in obese dogs. Most dogs lost a clinically significant amount of weight, although there were notable differences between dogs of different sex, neuter status and in different geographical locations

    Growth standard charts for monitoring bodyweight in dogs of different sizes

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    Limited information is available on what constitutes optimal growth in dogs. The primary aim of this study was to develop evidence-based growth standards for dogs, using retrospective analysis of bodyweight and age data from >6 million young dogs attending a large corporate network of primary care veterinary hospitals across the USA. Electronic medical records were used to generate bodyweight data from immature client-owned dogs, that were healthy and had remained in ideal body condition throughout the first 3 years of life. Growth centile curves were constructed using Generalised Additive Models for Location, Shape and Scale. Curves were displayed graphically as centile charts covering the age range 12 weeks to 2 years. Over 100 growth charts were modelled, specific to different combinations of breed, sex and neuter status. Neutering before 37 weeks was associated with a slight upward shift in growth trajectory, whilst neutering after 37 weeks was associated with a slight downward shift in growth trajectory. However, these shifts were small in comparison to inter-individual variability amongst dogs, suggesting that separate curves for neutered dogs were not needed. Five bodyweight categories were created to cover breeds up to 40kg, using both visual assessment and hierarchical cluster analysis of breed-specific growth curves. For 20/24 of the individual breed centile curves, agreement with curves for the corresponding bodyweight categories was good. For the remaining 4 breed curves, occasional deviation across centile lines was observed, but overall agreement was acceptable. This suggested that growth could be described using size categories rather than requiring curves for specific breeds. In the current study, a series of evidence-based growth standards have been developed to facilitate charting of bodyweight in healthy dogs. Additional studies are required to validate these standards and create a clinical tool for growth monitoring in pet dogs

    Recording of body weight and body condition score of cats in electronic health records from UK veterinary practices

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    ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to determine how frequently body weight, body condition score (BCS) and terms pertaining to weight status are recorded in the electronic health records (EHRs) of veterinary practices in the UK, as well as to examine the variables affecting recording and associated with body weight, where recorded.MethodsData recorded in EHRs were searched in two 3-month periods in 2019 and 2020. For each visit, variables including type and time of consultation, signalment, recording of body weight, recording of BCS, weight (kg), BCS value and whether an overweight or weight-loss term was used in free text were recorded. Linear mixed-effects models were created to examine associations between body weight and variables, while mixed-effects logistic regression was used to determine associations between the same variables and weight or BCS recording.ResultsThe statistical data set comprised 129,076 visits from 129,076 cats at 361 practices. Weight was recorded at most (95.2%) visits, BCS was recorded at only 22.5% of visits, and terms associated with weight loss and overweight status were recorded in 10.0% and 7.2% of free-text records, respectively. Where BCS was recorded, approximately one-third of cats had an overweight score (8.0% of total visits). Using either an overweight term (P P P P P P P P Conclusions and relevanceCats are regularly weighed in UK practice, but BCS is less frequently recorded, and both are less often recorded in non-routine consultations. To improve both the treatment and assessment of health and nutrition in cats, veterinary professionals should record body weight and BCS concurrently at every consultation
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